
Showing posts with the label Educational

Illuminati की असल सच्चाई

The real truth of The Mysterious  Illuminati society  Video language  - HINDI  Click on the to watch video: Meet the Man Who Started the Illuminati How did a Bavarian professor end up creating a group that would be at the center of two centuries of conspiracy theories? THE 18TH-CENTURY GERMAN  thinker Adam Weishaupt would have been stunned if he had known his ideas would one day fuel global conspiracy theories, and inspire best-selling novels and blockbuster films. Until he was 36, the vast majority of his compatriots would have been equally stunned to discover that this outwardly respectable professor was a dangerous enemy of the state, whose secret society, the Illuminati, was seen to threaten the very fabric of society. Born in 1748 in Ingolstadt, a city in the Electorate of Bavaria (now part of modern-day Germany), Weishaupt was a descendant of Jewish converts to Christianity. Orphaned at a young age, his scholarly uncle took car...

گھر میں موت ہوجانے کا بیان۔

گھر میں موت ہوجانے کا بیان۔ السلامُ علیکم و رحمۃ اللّٰہ 1۔ جب آدمی مرنے لگے تو اسکو چت لٹا دو، اسکے پیر قبلے کی طرف کردو اور سر اونچا کردو تاکہ منہ قبلہ کی طرف ہوجاۓ اور اسکے پاس بیٹھ کر زور زور سے کلمہ پڑھو کہ تم کو پڑھتے سن کر خود بھی کلمہ پڑھنے لگے۔ اور اسکو کلمہ پڑھنے کا حکم نا کرو کیوں کہ وہ وقت بڑا مشکل ہے نہ معلوم اسکے منہ سے کیا نکل جاۓ۔ 2۔ جب وہ ایک دفعہ کلمہ پڑھلے تو چپ رہو یہ کوشش نا کرو کہ برابر کلمہ جاری رہے اور پڑھتے پڑھتے دم نکلے کیوں کہ مطلب تو فقط اتنا ہے کہ سب سے آخری بات جو اسکے منہ سے نکلے کلمہ ہونا چاہیے اسکی ضرورت نہیں کہ دم ٹوٹنے تک کلمہ برابر جاری رہے، ہاں اگر کلمہ پڑھ لینے کے بعد پھر کوئ دنیا کی بات چیت کرے تو پھر کلمہ پڑھنے لگو جب وہ پڑھ لے تو پھر چپ رہو۔ 3۔ جب سانس اکھڑ جاۓ اور جلدی جلدی چلنے لگے اور ٹانگیں ڈھیلی پڑ جایئں کہ کھڑی نا ہوسکیں اور ناک ٹیڑھی ہوجاۓ اور کنپٹیں بیٹھ جاۓ تو سمجھو اسکی موت آگئ، اس وقت کلمہ زور زور سے پڑھنا شروع کرو۔ 4۔ سورہ یاسین پڑھنے سے موت کی سختی کم ہوجاتی ہے، اسکے سرہانے یا کہیں اور اسکے پاس بیٹھ کر پڑھ دو یا کسی سے پڑھوا دو۔ 5۔ ...

क्या आपको KISS करना चाहिये? | Scientific Investigation of Why Do We Kiss

Why We Kiss on the Lips? And, for that matter, why do we hold hands?       Watch full video below  Video language - HINDI  Click on the link to watch video: Why do we kiss our lovers on the lips? We could show romantic passion by rubbing foreheads, locking elbows, or by turning back-to-back and bumping butts. We could even mash our ears together. Legend has it that Inuits (Eskimos) display sexual passion by rubbing noses, but it turns out the Inuit practice of Kunik (touching noses) is actually just a warm greeting for families and friends, not a show of sexual passion. Although nothing to sneeze at, our noses — even for Inuits — do not seem to be the organ of choice for expressing  romantic love . So... out of all our candidate body parts, what is it about our lips that make them so special when it comes to matters of love? Before answering the question, it’s important to point out that lip-to-lip romantic kissing is not u...

Ancient Aliens Original Episodes Of HISTORY TV

Highlight TV Bandra west,  400050-Mumbai.                     History TV's Original                  Ancient Aliens                                ●All episodes are available in Hindi  Historians and experts investigate various events, legends and texts throughout history that may contain evidence of contact between humans and extraterrestrial life.                            Season 11 episode 01 Some Related Episodes Of Ancient Aliens              Treasure of the Gods - Hindi                 The Satan Conspiracy - Hindi     ht...

Reality of COVID-19 Vaccine | COVID-19 वैक्सीन की वास्तविकता।

Highlight TV  Article by 'Namrata Surwase' Special thanks to Dhruv Rathee  |Introduction|How do Vaccines work?|Time taken to make a Vaccine| Status of COVID-19 vaccine |Indian vaccine | Click on the link to watch video  Will India became the first country in the world to offer a made in India vaccine for COVID-19 ? Bharat Biotech har already got approval for starting phase1 and phase2 clinical trials for the vaccine. In the rest of the World, Oxford University is currently undergoing phase3 clinical trials their COVID-19 Vaccine. How fast can we get a vaccine ? In the above video,  Dhruv Rathee explain the basic concept of how a vaccine works? Different kinds of Vaccines and the current status of COVID-19 Vaccine in the World.  | परिचय | टीके कैसे काम करते हैं? एक टीका बनाने में लगने वाला समय | COVID-19 वैक्सीन की स्थिति | भारतीय टीका |     ...

30 CHINA के अतरंगी FACTS जो आपको किसि ने नही बताया | 30 Unique Facts About China

By Tejas Vanjare  Hey friends, did you know that kites were first invented in China and also in China it was pretty common to have a fights between insects.               Click on the link to watch the video  Also, did you know how was great wall of China constructed ? Or what about the forbidden kingdom ? Well yes, you heard it,right intact, once in China's history an emperor made a lake full of wine for his favourite lady.  Well the Chinese have very unique and strange traditions, culture and history.  So stay tuned throughout  to know 30 very exiting facts about this country.              वीडियो देखने के लिए लिंक पर क्लिक करें। अरे दोस्तों, क्या आप जानते हैं कि पतंगों का आविष्कार सबसे पहले चीन में हुआ था और चीन में भी कीड़ों के बीच झगड़े होना आम बात थी। साथ ही, क्या ...

अगर China vs. USA युद्ध हो गया तो कौंन जीतेगा ? | Superpower countries military comparison |

                |CHINA VS USA|               Click on the link to watch the video  Hello friends, China and USA are the two worlds biggest Economy who combined constitutes more than 50%  world trade. How strong is their military budget, their army, navy and airforce power?  What will happen if there is a battle here.  How other countries like European nations, England, France, Germany, or Asian countries like India, Pakistan and Russia ally? How would technology come into play and whose equipments are superior. Watch in detail this this military comparison and let us know what you think would be the outcome, if this ever is to  Occur.              | चीन बनाम अमेरिका |                वीड...

TikTok Ban and Hong Kong Situation | टिकटोक बान और हांगकांग स्थिति।

                     Click on the link to watch full video  * Tik Tok ban * Is the ban Permanent? * Hong Kong Situation  * International Reaction  * Border intrusion Update  * Message to TikTokers Indian Government has taken the decision to ban TikTok and 58 other Chinese apps recently. How much of an impact will it on China? Dhruv Rathee talk about in the video and also explain the current ongoing situation in Hong Kong.  Chinese Intelligence Law of 2017 forces any private company in China to bow down to the Chinese Communist Party and share their data. This what it makes apps like TikTok a threat to privacy of users.                      ××××oooo××××              पूरा वीडियो देखने के लिए लिंक प...

Animated map shows how religions spread around the world | एनिमेटेड मानचित्र से पता चलता है कि दुनिया भर में धर्म कैसे फैला था।

Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are  five of the biggest religions in the world. Over the few thousands years, these religions groups have shaped the course of history and had a profound influence on the trajectory of the human race.  Though countless conflicts, conquests, mission abroad and simple spread of mouth, these religions spread around the globe and forever molded the huge geographic regions in their path. हिंदू धर्म, बौद्ध धर्म, ईसाई धर्म, यहूदी धर्म और इस्लाम दुनिया के पांच सबसे बड़े धर्म हैं। कुछ हजारों वर्षों में, इन धर्म समूहों ने इतिहास के पाठ्यक्रम को आकार दिया है और मानव जाति के प्रक्षेपवक्र पर गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा है। यद्यपि अनगिनत संघर्ष, विजय, विदेश में मिशन और मुंह के सरल प्रसार, ये धर्म दुनिया भर में फैल गए और हमेशा के लिए विशाल भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों को अपने रास्ते में ढाला।  

5 Crazy Weapons That Are Banned From War

      Here is a video about 5 crazy weapons that are banned from war| 5 Illegal military weapons that are so terrible they had to be banned from war. Weapons is governed by Geneva convention, which has outlets scores of weapons because they cause unnecessary suffering but here are five that surprised us. 01 . Blinding Lazer Weapon  : Blinding laser weapons are defined under international law as laser weapons 'specifically designed, as their sole combat function or as one of their combat functions, to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision, that is to the naked eye or to the eye with corrective eyesight devices'. 02. Flamethrowers :  A flamethrower is a mechanical incendiary device designed to project a controllable stream of fire. First deployed by the Greeks in the 1st century AD, flamethrowers saw use in modern times during World War I, and more widely in World War II. 03. Land Mines :...

DID YOU KNOW? | Fifteen Most Amazing Facts

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